Established in 1989, Downtown Mansfield, Inc. (DMI) is a nonprofit membership based organization whose mission is to stimulate economic development, improve the appearance and create a positive image of the downtown as a desirable place to live, shop, work, visit and invest.
In order to accomplish these goals we have implemented the National Main Street Model for commercial district revitalization. This model relies upon a four point approach including Design, Economic Development, Organization and Promotion and is the foundation for the programs and projects of DMI. Click here for a copy of our Strategic Redevelopment Plan.
Our work is possible through the support and dedication of our members and community partners. More than 100 local businesses contribute to our vision and goals. We encourage you to attend one of our signature events, shop, dine and explore locally and stregthen those that share our belief that the ongoing revitalization of downtown is a critical component of the future growth and development of the City of Mansfield and Richland County.
DMI is currently seeking applications for a paid winter internship, and a communications specialist, to assist with the upcoming Main Street Improvement Project. Winter Internship job description can be found here. Communications Specialist job description can be found here.

Jennifer currently serves as the CEO of DMI and is a certified Main Street Manager. Her work has centered on business development, planning, strategic investment, historic preservation and community development.

Jamie has been a part of the DMI family since 2003. As CDO, Jamie develops new organizational partnerships, maintains ongoing marketing and property development intiatives and is always on the lookout for new funding sources!

Rh'yan joined the DMI staff in 2019. Rh'yan assists with event coordination, marketing and social engagement, and all things administrative!