Established in 1888, Mansfield, Ohio is one of the oldest communities in the State of Ohio. Rich in history, including agricultural roots dating back to Johnny Appleseed, Mansfield has many well preserved properties with historical significance, including the Westinghouse Home of Tomorrow.

American Four-Square (1900-1930)
583 Coleman Road (c.1930)
One of the most common types of homes of the early 20th century, the American Four-Square is the epitome of comfort and affordability. Inexpensive to build and well suited to a small land parcel, it was the favored home built in newly platted areas of Mansfield. The four-square footprint is square or rectangle, with a hipped or gabled roof, heavy eaves, wide porch across the front and centrally located dormers on the front and side. Wall materials are usually non descript, with wood shingles, clapboards and brick being most common.

Tudor Revival (1900-1930)
38-40 Marion Avenue (c.1925)
This home is an example of the English Tudor Revival style applied to a double house. It is in this style, that the influences of the Arts and Crafts movement became apparent.
English Tudor Revival (1900-1930)
595 Woodhill Road (c.1945)
The English Tudor Revival, much like the English Revival, draws inspiration from the farmhouses of England. Characteristics include facades comprised of half timbering and stucco. Large and small homes alike with half timbering in their upper stories and gables were completed with tall ornamental chimneys, in what was originally a simple cottage style.

Art Deco and Modernistic (1925-1950)
895 Andover Road (c.1934)
Art Deco, orginally an ornamentation style of jewelry and furniture, evolved into architecture in 1925. Characterized by rectilinear, geometric forms and decorations, it is often referred to as Modernistic. Used most commonly for office and commercial buildings, the Westinghouse Home of Tomorrow, is a rare gem, located in Mansfield.

Craftsman (1900-1930)
21 Glenwood Boulevard (c.1910)
The Craftsman Bungalow, is identified with the early 20th century Craftsman movement, promoted by Gustav Stickley. These structures feature strong horizontal lines and native materials, including stone, stucco and wood shingles. A feature characteristic of the bungalow is the front porch, which is built into the home, wide overhangs with kneebrace or triangular brackets and exposed rafters under the eaves.
Federal (1810-1835)
60 South Main Street (c.1814)
The Federal style was brought to the United States from England and is characterized by an abundance of classical elements. The Stage Coach Inn, pictured above is an excellent example of Federal style with smooth wall surfaces, a gabled roof with bridged chimneys and multi paned windows.

Colonial Revival (1895-1930)
53 Brinkerhoff Avenue (c.1910)
The Colonial Revival style, is America's nod to the romantic architectural movement of the early 20th century. Extremely popular in Mansfield, typical features include pediments, pilasters and columns. A typical Colonial Revival house has a symmetrical facade, central entrance and often includes brick facing.

English Revival (1910-1930)
323 Ruth Avenue (c.1939)
The English Revival, a style of the Romantic Revivals of the early 20th century, appealed to the growing middle class in Mansfield. Drawing inspiration from rural England, the gabled roof lines of these houses, recall the thatched roofs of the English countryside. Typically brick in construction, with round, arched doors, decorative chimneys and small paned casement windows.
Queen Anne (1880-1900)
460 Park Avenue West (c.1890)
Queen Anne architecture was extremely popular in the late 19th century and largely influenced by architect Norman Shaw of England. Queen Anne architecture is highly decorative, with asymmetrical massing, irregular roof lines, and projections including porches, balconies, bay windows, towers, turrets and chimneys.